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PERI good use of modern methods to stabilise scaffolding

May 12, 2023

Our team at Chelmsford are making great progress constructing a new conveyor bridge for Essex County Council, which includes constructing two abutments, and have recently begun installing shutters to the formwork. Having a stable foundation is extremely important for a large project like this, to ensure our project is as successful as possible our team have been using new innovative formwork methods.

The team have implemented a system scaffold called ‘PERI-up’ by PERI SYSTEMS who design formwork and scaffold, and is approved by our temporary rebar stability designer, Richter. The system is swift and easy to erect and just needs a scaffolding qualification to install. It has helped the team to stabilise the cage as it has been specifically designed to control the risk of movement during wind. The system means that the team avoid the need to use additional temporary reinforcing bars to help keep the abutment cage stiff and steady before the concrete pours, which will be taking place this month and throughout the summer.

Also, earlier this month a group of 20 people from both Octavius and Richter visited the PERI SYSTEMS facility in Brentwood where they had the opportunity to see all the formwork, falsework and scaffolding systems available.

Charlie White, Assistant Site Manager said “On the day we had a presentation about their various systems and products, then a tour round their yard, and a tour in their exhibition hall. It was great to see close up all of their formwork, scaffolding and falsework systems. It was a really brilliant way to better understand how they can be used to successfully deliver our projects.”

Well done to the team for thinking differently to successfully deliver the scheme and thank you to Charlie for organising the day tour.

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