Civil Engineering

Regional Civil Engineering
A Full Range of Civil Engineering Services
Octavius Regional Civil Engineering provide a full range of civil engineering services with a specialist expertise in the highways sector and a reputation for reliability and exceptional service delivery.
In addition to our planned works, we are often the first port of call when a problem seems insurmountable or where there’s an emergency such as flooding, structural failures, embankment failure or a road collapse.
We bring added value to our civil engineering clients through our engagement in Early Contractor Involvement. Through this early collaboration on projects, we understand client constraints, desired outcomes and influence design. By vastly mitigating design risks we increase the opportunity for innovation, improved social impact, and the predictability of programme and cost.
As Principal Contractor or a valuable supply chain partner we offer a seamless service providing integrated solutions to projects. We’re independent and self-deliver a vast range of services thanks to our strong base of multi-skilled people, innovative plant and extensive material stock. Our services include:
Regional Civil Engineering
Highways Maintenance
- Drainage & service ducts.
- Earthworks.
- Site clearance.
- Fencing.
- Vehicle Restraint Systems (VRS).
- Road pavements – general, bituminous bound material & concrete materials.
- Kerbing, footways and paved areas.
- Highways signs & communications.
- Road Lighting Columns, Brackets, CCTV Masts & Cantilever Masts
- Brickwork & blockwork.
- Landscaping & ecology.

Regional Civil Engineering
- Parapet road restraint systems.
- Concrete repairs, with specialist knowledge in treating Thaumasite attack.
- Piling & embedded retaining walls.
- Earthworks & geotechnical solutions.
- Structural concrete.
- Waterproofing for concrete structures.
- Bridge bearings.
- Bridge expansion joints & sealing gaps.
- Structural steelwork installation.
- Surface refurbishment.
Regional Civil Engineering
Emergency Response & Flood Alleviation
- Temporary barrier installation.
- Temporary Vertical Concrete Barrier (TVCB works).
- Major & local incident assistance.
- Flooding assistance, including temporary road construction.
- RTC assistance to the emergency services.
- Severe weather assistance.
Risk management is at the heart of everything we do and underpins the R&W Way (the celebrated behaviours which we all embrace), helping to keep those impacted by our work safe, always showing respect and consistently delivering great service to our customers.