Resource Centre

We regularly update our resource centres with relevant industry news and useful information. Find out more below.

Resource Centre

Transport Hubs & Car Park Resource Centre

Convenient and abundant parking helps to rejuvenate town centres. It increases the viability of leisure venues and improves the visitor experience in all sorts of places. But when there aren’t enough spaces, people get frustrated and park elsewhere.

Parking strategies are sometimes depicted as a conflict between the needs of motorists and the needs of communities – yet it is possible to balance the two. Imaginative parking strategies can also enhance the development value of precious urban spaces.

This resource centre explores emerging issues affecting car parks and proposes practical and cost-effective solutions.

Resource Centre

Transport Infrastructure Resource Centre

Our Transport Infrastructure resource centre provides a wide range of extended articles, whitepapers and infographics on a wide array of infrastructure related topics, including sustainable infrastructure practices, Lean, social value within construction and more.

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